Level Design

Using a pre-made face, we were told to make it our own and texture it, so I made head piercings and textured it. I used my own face, blurred it in photoshop, moved the vertices around for one half of the face, used the Symmetry modifier in 3Ds Max and voila! Symmetrical skin/texture! The eyes were unwrapped and textured differently. I love the result. Class: Advanced Lighting and Texturing

I re-rendered this with a higher light bounces, up to 15 or 10 I think? I tried to change the material on the windows and I made the wall greener (which is what it's supposed to be, since it's a reproduction of my room at my parents' house)

This is a scene I did for a class. We were told to light a scene and using graphic novels and crime noir as inspiration, I came up with this. Class: Advanced Lighting and Texturing

This is a room I modeled, textured and lit with mental ray in 3Ds max. This is modeled after my real bedroom (which is more cluttered than this really clean version). Class: Advanced Lighting and Texturing

This is another lighting exercise. The room is premade but the lighting was our own choice along with the background. The lighting was the hardest part of this and trying to get the mix of orange and pink but I think it came out really well here. Class: Advanced Lighting and Texturing

Again, this is a premade room but I decided on the lighting and made a few other things like the eyes and the moon (both have self illumination). The background is stars.

For this project, I had to use mental ray and the daylight system with the mr sky portal on the windows. Everything is textured with mental ray and the environment was changed to the field JPEG shown in the background. This is the same bedroom as shown earlier, just with a different renderer on it (as in, this is not the default scanline). Class: Advanced Lighting and Texturing

This is a drawing i did in 2008 for a German class movie I had to do. It was to describe a story and I drew my side of the dorm room. This was before any art training and before I moved to the Art Institute of Washington. I switched to AiW the next year.

This is a turnaround of me. The assignment was the create a turnaround based on yourself in an outift and this is what I came up with. Class: Character and Object Design

This is a page I did for a class witht he assignment being that I create a drawing of me as I see myself (in our own style) and this was an action/expression sheet. There's me standing, me on the bed and me at my drafting table, the faces are the many different faces I make. This was a fun assignment. Class: Character and Object Design

The assignment here was that I make a collage using stuff I had on hand and then recreate it using only pens. It was a texturing assignment. I have a section of a tie dye bandana, a metal stud, a Strike card, part of a Coke can, a ticket stub, piece of a record, etc. It's a pretty interesting piece and one of my favorites.

One of my first classes here, I had to do profiles of a few people and my boyfriend was one of them (mostly because I got him to sit still with TV). It was a line weight and form exercise. Done in pencil. I think I got this pretty close to perfect.

I did this for a sketchbook for Digital Ink and Paint, I took a photo I liked off the internet and I switched the colors around. The original picture was in color, but I like this one because I was trying to follow the same principle of using white chalk on grey paper, but i love this look better. Class: Digital Ink and Paint

This is another picture I did for the digital ink and paint sketchbook. It was done from off the top of my head and on a whim during a class. It's nowhere near the caliber I want but it's something I would like to continue to work on. Class: Digital Ink and Paint
Other works

I did this for my sculpture class as my 3rd character sculpture. We had to take an animal and give it character, so I took one of my favorite pin up girls (Betty Page) and made her into a wolf. I have things i would like to rework in this sculpture and make better. Class: Sculpture

I did this for an art history class to show that we knew the different movements we studied in the class. Honeslty I don't remember which movement I used but it was a fun project and I loved it. This is the reason why I paint on the side now. Class: Art History III